Quick update

Hey everyone! I have a quick break between shifts, so I thought I'd update y'all on progress. I am thrilled and amazed to tell you that I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a 178.3 staring back at me. This is the lightest I've been since middle school. Also, I'm not gonna lie, … Continue reading Quick update

187 (not a post about NWA)

I weigh 187 lb. BOOYAH! I'm feeling great. the rate at which I'm losing weight has slowed, so Dana and I will more than likely be joining a gym next week.  I look forward to that, I might even attempt to do yoga! The other day, Dana asked me how often I feel hungry. I … Continue reading 187 (not a post about NWA)

Over half-way there!

Since I'm only doing 40 days now, that means as of Saturday (4/20) I'm halfway there. I gotta say, this last week has breezed by! I can't remember where I heard this, but somebody somewhere said that, it takes the average human 14 consecutive days to develop a habit. That might explain why the last … Continue reading Over half-way there!

Day 15 Going Strong!!!

Sorry for the late update, lots of stuff going on. So I'll start off by saying that I weighed 194 this morning which means I'm almost halfway to my goal weight! I know the next 30 lbs. will more than likely be harder than the first 20 were, but I'm ready for it. I also … Continue reading Day 15 Going Strong!!!


So our trip to Port Townsend, WA was awesome! However it would have been way better if I was eating and drinking. It was really great to get out of Seattle for a little bit and just relax with my wife, but man my cravings were out of control. I wanted to cheat so bad, … Continue reading ROUGH WEEKEND!

Day 5. first round of reflections

This morning I weighed in at 202. Which was a big sigh of relief, because it's been a strange/tough week. Here are some things that I noticed right off the bat... My sense of smell has become SOOO acute, i feel like supernatural almost. I could smell my wife's whiskey drink on tuesday night from … Continue reading Day 5. first round of reflections

JUICE FAST Day 1. Part 1 here we go….

Not really sure how to start this so, I'm just going to get right into it. My name is Sam and most of your reading this probably already know me, but for those random others, I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I just turned 26. I am from Memphis, TN. I just moved … Continue reading JUICE FAST Day 1. Part 1 here we go….